Devin's Interactive Resume — 14 of 22

Devin Weaver

Release 4

Section 2 - Table of Projects

Table of Projects

the InstantChat"An end-to-end secure chat app designed to allow a Deaf person to send ephemeral messages to others by the use of a QR Code or small link. It uses LibSodium to encrypt the communications between the clients and the keys are only on the client browser till the tab closes. Everything is client side written in EmberJS with the server being only a Socket.IO relay.""""EmberJS, JavaScript, CSS, LibSodium,, Node.JS"
the TimerApp"A simple yet useful speech or talk timer that follows the Toastmasters recommended timer notifications.""""EmberJS, JavaScript, CSS"
the ConfirmedModule"A framework agnostic asynchronous confirmation module for both Vanilla JS and Ember""""JavaScript, EmberJS, Promises"
the EscapeRoomMainframe"This was a mini game for where players escape a room by solving real puzzles. This is one of the puzzles where players must enter in codes to disable a self-destruct sequence.""""EmberJS, JavaScript, CSS,"
the VirtualDiceware"Roll virtual dice to construct human readable passcodes. Uses a safisticated Ultra High Entropy Pseudo Random Number Generator and good Bootstrap visuals.""""EmberJS, Bootstrap"