Devin's Interactive Resume — 2 of 22

Devin Weaver

Release 4

Part 1 - The Business End

Chapter 1 - Start

Section 1 - Display messages

To enter the divider with (T - text) in it:

say "You step into [the noun] and see the following[if T is not empty] displayed on [T][end if]:[paragraph break]".

To leave the divider:

say "[paragraph break]You leave [the noun].".

To check for candy:

repeat with the candy running through the candies contained in the noun:

move the candy to the player;

say "[paragraph break]You find [a candy] and decide to take it as a reward.".

To display on (T - text) the message (M - some text):

enter the divider with T in it;

say "[M]";

check for candy;

leave the divider.

To display on (T - text) the long message (M - some text):

clear only the main screen;

enter the divider with T in it;

say "[M]";

pause the game;

clear the screen;

check for candy;

leave the divider;

try looking.

To display the long message (M - some text):

display on "" the long message M.

To display the message (M - text):

display on "" the message M.

Instead of examining a divider:

display the message "[description]".