Section 2 - Dividers
A divider is a kind of container. A divider is scenery, open and enterable.
Instead of entering a divider, try examining the noun.
Rule for printing room description details of a divider: stop.
To say list of divider-contents for (T - a divider):
if T contains something:
say " (in which [is-are a list of things contained in T])".
To print a list of dividers in (R - a room) with the header (H - text):
say "[bold type][H][roman type]:";
repeat with the item running through the dividers in R:
say "[line break] - [the item][list of divider-contents for the item]";
say paragraph break.
[Example use:
The museum is a room.
An exhibit is a kind of divider.
After printing the locale description of the museum:
print a list of dividers in the museum with the header "The Exhibits";
say "You can view each exhibit by typing EXAMINE <EXHIBIT NAME>."
The photography exhibit is an exhibit in the museum.